about storyshout podcast

StoryShout was a news content agency in its first life; but its name lives on in a new evolution: a podcast that shares stories about strangers and failure from host Kelsey Jones.

At first, we were going to do another self-help podcast. A guest would come on, say what they are bad at, and we’d work through a plan to help them get better at it.

But Kelsey’s husband Harrison had other ideas.

“That’s stupid,” he said, with his genuine Ron Swanson vibes. “Make it funny, otherwise no one will listen.”

So mark this one of the few times Kelsey is going to listen to Harrison. This podcast’s death, if it happens, is on his hands.

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About Host Kelsey Jones

Kelsey Jones is a novelist and SEO content strategist. She loves telling and hearing others’ stories.

Kelsey is formally the Executive Editor of Search Engine Journal, one of the top search marketing publications, with about 2M pageviews per month, where she co-hosted the Search Engine Nerds podcast. Kelsey got her executive MBA in Sept. 2021, specializing in blockchain, entrepreneurship, and strategic thinking. She resides in the Midwest with her husband, son, and 2 dogs.