Category: New Episode

Casie Sucks at Thinking it Through

This week, Casie Gillette joins Kelsey Jones to discuss the impulsiveness of home DIY and how not everything has to be a huge endeavor.  While Casie wants to jump headfirst into a project, sometimes there’s an easier way. It doesn’t have to be the “whole enchilada.” Casie and Kelsey discuss homeownership, electric cars, and how […]

Sarah Knight Sucks at Not Doing Anything

International best-selling author Sarah Knight isn’t bad at much, which makes sense since she writes anti-self-help books about caring less about what people think and managing anxiety. In this episode of StoryShout, Sarah and Kelsey Jones sit down to discuss the art of being able to do “nothing” and how that factors into anxiety, your […]

Akvile Sucks at On-The-Spot Rebuttals

Akvile is another friend of mine I met through marketing conferences, and I’m so glad we did. We’ve often referred work to one another and even were in a mastermind together for a year. Akvile is a paid media agency owner and often knows the challenges we face as women in technology, especially digital marketing, […]

Sarah Sucks at Sleeping

Ever since Sarah was a baby, she’s had trouble sleeping. She’s tried it all; medication, meditation, even working herself to the bone. While some things have worked, like watching Ferriss Bueller every night before she went to sleep, they all seem to stop working eventually. Sarah and I discuss: The struggles only insomniacs know When […]

Mark Sucks at Ignoring Online Arguments

Mark Traphagen and I have known each other for years from the digital marketing conference circuit. In this StoryShout episode, we discuss something that Mark sucks at: not arguing with strangers (and even people he knows) on the internet. Mark is very active on social, especially Twitter and Facebook. We drill down into: How hard […]